samedi 9 novembre 2013

A first Climatic Refugee due to climate change?

To only devote the expression "climatic refugee" to people directly affected by climate change sounds incorrect because many people had to move after some extrem climatic events. I'm thinking about the refugees of the hurricane Katrina in 2005 and about the inhabitants of L'Aiguillon-sur-mer  who had to leave definitively their house after the cyclone Xynthia in 2010.
For those two case, the question of the sea level rise comes: would the seawalls have resisted if the sea was 30cm lower? Let's considerate that these catastrophes were not due to the global warming and the sea level rise.
According to the Environmental Justice Foundation, the number of climatic refugees is three times higher than in the number of armed conflicts refugees. This number might increases fast as the IPCC predict more extrem climatic events in future.
But a new juridic status is coming into existence, at least it's for what Ioane Teitiota is fighting for with his layer Michael Kidd, specialized in Human rights. Mr Teitiota comes from the Kiribati, one of the lowest countries on earth and asks New Zealand to host him as a "climatic refugee". He argues that him and his children do not have any future possible in their country. Indeed, due to the sea level rise, the sea has already encroached upon his crops and the president of the Kiribati Island  and urges his fellow-citizens to get a degree and emigrate in a new country while being useful and not just refugees.
At the moment New Zealand has rejected twice his request. However Michael Kidd is decided to push the affair until the highest jurisdiction of the country. The last decision is crucial, it could stand for a jurisprudence for the next asylum enquirer in new Zealand and for an example in the other countries.


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